I just want to take a minute to reflect on how fun this looks to be to play and how silly it is that it exists.
Firstly theres the tier benefits, two of which are pretty huge;
Tier 1 - Decrease the point cost of warbeasts in Truthsayer's battlegroup by 1.
This, when combined with 11, yes 11 light beasts means you're facing down 20% more points than you have.
Tier 3 - Light warbeasts in Calandra's battlegroup gain Advanced Deployment.
Oh and now they are an extra 6" up the board already.
So here's the list:
Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood
- Trollkin Runebearer
* Pyre Troll
* Pyre Troll
* Pyre Troll
* Slag Troll
* Slag Troll
* Slag Troll
* Slag Troll
* Winter Troll
* Storm Troll
* Storm Troll
* Storm Troll
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 5 Grunts
- Stone Scribe Elder
You really need to be able to shift 11 light beasts (with 21 Boxes), under stone (ARM 18 or 19) and Star Crossed.
Not to mention if you hit or are hit by a:
Pyre troll you're on fire
Slag troll continuous corrosion
Storm troll disrupted
Winter troll stationary (only if you hit it)
With this all in mind, it looks really fun to play and has a huge amount of variety and stuff you can do.
Game 12/100
Haley2 Vs Calandra
Opponent: Pat Long
Scenario: Fire Support
Major Victoria Haley
* Squire
* Stormclad
Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Pistoleers
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
Storm Lances
Stormblade Infantry
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
* 2 Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner
Journeyman Warcaster
Stormblade Captain
Anastasia di Bray
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
So my list hasn't changed, I lose the roll to go first so I avoid the side with more forest but the terrain is pretty irrelevant.
Trolls Turn 1
Everything runs up and get soothing songed, the stone auras and runs.
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Trolls turn 1 |
Cygnar Turn 1
I Deadeye, Dirge and Arcane Shield the Lances, Haley charges forwards after Decelerating and feats.
The Lances get 3 shots into trolls directly opposite them, the Stormclad runs up and the blades follow, Gun Mages run round the flank.
Trolls Turn 2
It's Haley feat time so nothing happens, 3 trolls are in range of 3 Lances but they are 15/22 currently against shooting, Starcrossed and stone aura goes off, one slag advances towrds my flag.
Cygnar Turn 2
I allocate 2 to the Clad and Deadeye the Lances and Blades and move up to dominate my flag. I am able to remove 2 Storm trolls, a Pyre and seriously damage the slag near my flag. I black Oil this troll after it doesn't die. I'm unable to score.
Troll Turn 3
Now comes the backlash, Calandra feats and I lose the Clad to 1 slag and a spray from the winter troll, all but one of the Lances go down thanks to big meaty fists.
Cygnar Turn 3
Calandra came up forward to get the feat off and I see a chance, I deadeye the stormblades and aim with a gunner who is in range of her and I'm able to hit, the rest of them are able to make damage rolls on her, doing half her boxes and burning through her 4 transfers. I remove the contesting model and score 1 point. Gorman blinds a storm troll to protect the gun mages from electro leaps, I was hoping to get more but it deviated.
Troll Turn 4
A few beasts invariably frenzy after a big turn beforehand, two slags walk up and pop some shots into Haley, leaving her on 5 boxes and corroded. More of the blades get cleared and the last Lance goes down. Troll Moses casts Bullet Dodger on Calandra.
Cygnar Turn 4
My clock is low, Haley is on not many boxes but Calandra is only on half health with 3 transfers. She is hidden behind the stone bearer and a storm troll. DEF16 ARM16. Gorman goes first, advances to just outside melee of the stone dude and chucks a black oil onto him, it misses but as Calandra is in B2B it can't deviate far enough to miss her. Jr steps up and hits the stone bearer, forcing a tough. he passes but a line is now opened up. The Squire runs into position, Haley now walks up and boosts a Time Bomb into a now DEF 12 Calandra. She hits and boosts damage, doing a fair chunk, then uses a fully boosted hand cannon to do a bit more. The Gun Mages then step up and throw a whole pile of snipe shots into a DEF 10 Calandra, all of them hit and slowly whittle her down with damage, she passes one tough check and then dies. I still had 2 Gun Mages left as well as 3 storm blades, 2 of them gunners.
I just realised that I also sniped with Eyriss earlier, it would have removed bullet dodger, oh well.
Assasination Win!
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The final game state |
Overall its a really tough list to chew through, thankfully there are only a couple of things that can potentially kill Gorman and Anastasia at range so avoiding electro leaps is key.
I think had Pat started to work on Scenario after killing all my Lances and most the Blades he would have been able to get ahead of me and not lose Calandra, this was his first game with this list and its only going to become scarier.
So, after chatting to a fellow Team Ireland, but not Team Craic, member I have embarked on an eNemo test project, HIGH VOLTAGE!
His feat, by the above name, allocates 3 focus to each Warjack so why not 14 Chargers? Although I'm not going to pay €10 a go to try a silly list so I got a bit Blue Peter!
I printed and assembled my Chargers and their grids.
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Grids and cutouts |
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All based and ready to do some powerful shoots! |
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