Friday, 13 November 2015

Goreshade Three, War Room

I played a couple of games with Goreshade Three this weekend.

The first game was against Skorne and Mordikaar

This was the Skorne list:
Void Seer Mordikaar
* Despoiler
* Tiberion
* Basilisk Krea
Cataphract Incindiarii Max
Cataphract Cetrati Max
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer
Paingiver Beast Handlers
Extoller Soulward

I played the following:
Goreshade, Lord of Ruin
* Skarlock Thrall
* Deathripper
* Deathripper
Necrosurgeon & stitch thralls
Bane Knights Max
Bane Knights Min
Darragh Wrathe
Warwitch Siren
Necrosurgeon & stitch thralls
Satyxis Raiders
* Satyxis Raider Sea Witch
Bane Lord Tartarus
Satyxis Raider Captain

I was able to get a pretty solid Alpha with the Satyxis and power swell, this meant I was able to put some early hurt on his beasts and Incindarii.

He feated and I was able to counter feat with the remaining Satyxis and a couple of McThralls and the odd sack goblin (Stitch Thralls) reducing the effectiveness of the his feat significantly and removing Tiberion as well as a lot of the other models.

The revive game continues with the Incindiarri and Cetrati but attrition has already swung in my favour and the recursion engine is doing the work. I am able to get an Arc node near enough to Mordikaar and wedge it in with a McThrall and put him down to 8 or so boxes with Siphon Bolts whilst Gore3 hides in a Trench.

The next turn I am able to finish Mordikaar off as I polish off Despoiler with Scything McThralls and then just bolt him to death, I manage to win with 45 seconds left on my clock/


My next game was against another Cryx player who kindly offered to lend me his Blackbanes for a test run so I took him up on the offer and put together another slightly different list:
Goreshade, Lord of Ruin
* Skarlock Thrall
* Defiler
Bane Knights
Bane Riders
* Skarlock Commander
Necrosurgeon & stitch thralls
Necrosurgeon & stitch thralls
Blackbane's Ghost Raiders
Darragh Wrathe
Machine Wraith
Warwitch Siren

He was playing Denhegra3 and she seems super fun.

Deneghra, the Soul Weaver
* Skarlock Thrall
* Deathripper
Bane Thralls
* Bane Thrall Officer & Standard
Bane Riders
The Withershadow Combine
Croe's Cutthroats
Warwitch Siren

Adam was going first and Unpacked everything, I did the same, trying to keep my Bane Riders safe on the right and my Knights protected by the Blackbanes from the Soluhunters but I messed this up, my own fault. The Left unit of McThralls got Occultation to hopefully keep them safe from the Croes and Darragh got in a trench.
I unpack, poorly
I got hit pretty hard by the Alpha but thanks to positioning I was able to keep a fair few Knights alive as well as the riders, I also got some Corpses and was able to keep the McThralls at strength.

I then counter feated with the Blackbanes and was able to remove all the Soulhunters and clear the Right zone as well as killing half the Croes, Goreshade camped everything, put a bunch of bodies in front of him to screen himself and toe'd the zone.
CPs: 2-0

I score 2
Adam is able to clear the Left Zone and flap Denny into it to Score whilst Killing 1 unit of Thralls but the Surgeons are still alive, Darragh gets dismounted.
CPs: 2-2

I am able to kill off all of his Riders but one and the remaining Croes with McThralls that are spawned and throw as many Bodies into the left zone. I am also able to kill the Bane Thralls, starting with the standard meaning they can't tough. Goreshade camps everything and sits in the zone.
CPs: 4-2

Adam does his best to try and clear out the left zone and get as much as he can into the right hand one.
CPs: 4-4

I am able to use Vengeance and Gore3 himself to clear the right zone and put a pile of McThralls into the left zone.
CPs: 5(6)-4


I really enjoyed both of the games played and Gorshade 3 has a great spell list even if he didn't need to use it that game really, positioning is coming along with him and the Cryx toys in general.
Denny3 seems incredibly fun and the model is amazing, I can't wait to get my hands on her and give her a proper go, once I've filled out the rest of my Cryx toys of course.

I've also been messing about with the War Room Beta for Android and IOS.

One of the cool features is the ability to filter the cards based on what you own and whats painted etc, as well as viewing factions together and a search function.

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But the best feature is definitely the ability to choose the background.

I'm stuck working the next couple of weeks so there probably won't be many games played.

I am working on my Secret Santa toy but it needs to stay secret for obvious reasons.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

An update, finally.

So the last time I posted WTC was a week away, now it is 5 and a bit weeks in the past.

The WTC in Progress
It was an incredible time, the team didn’t do as well as I‘d hoped and I personally didn’t do very well.
But who cares about that? WTC 2016 hype is go already and I will be captaining one of the Irish teams next year.

My results
In the end I managed to get in 61 games from when the team was announced and the event starting, not quite the intended 100 but close enough.

So what has happened? I moved into a new house, I bought into a new faction and played 1 tournament of Mercs.

So as I helped my Bro with his legion toys and painted a bunch of them for him he bought me an Earthbreaker and Ossrum and Thor, so I bussed then out with Gastonne and Galleon. 

I managed to live the dream and get the top of 2 assassination, the best thing was that it was against Calandra and EE, 64 APs! Other than that I went 1-2.

So I bought into Cryx, I managed to get a great deal on basically every Cryx model you’d likely want to play barring a few here and there so this next year, up to and including the WTC is year of the Cryx!

Cryx Toys

I’ve played 14 games so far and only managed to win 5 but each game is a learning experience.
So I’m going to chronicle my Cryx journeys on the blog from now on, currently I’ve only played a bunch of Lich2 and this is the list I played most recently:

Lich Lord Asphyxious
* Helldiver
* Nightwretch
Bane Thralls (Min)
* Bane Thrall Officer & Standard
Bane Knights (Max)
Bane Knights (Max)
Bile Thralls (Min)
* Skarlock Commander
Bane Lord Tartarus
Satyxis Blood witches (Min)
* Satyxis Blood Hag
Darragh Wrathe
Machine Wraith

It’s got all the good Cryx bits in it and some of the better ones that might be moved out when I decide on my 2 list pair, I’m thinking Denny1 but I need the Devil Shadows and Rockbottom so I’m waiting for Christmas.

Post WTC Battles
Stay tuned for more things in the, hopefully regular, future!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

A week to go! Game 60!

This time next week I will be on the way to the WTC! I'm excited.

Got in a few more games, two (three) against Bradigus.
Post nerf this was going to be a tough matchup as you have to be really cagey about the engagement under feat and being counter feated on.

Game 57/100
Haley2 Vs Bradigus
Opponent: Eoin Brennan
Scenario: Two Fronts
Eoin's List:
Bradigus Thorle the Runecarver
* Woldguardian
* Woldwatcher
* Woldwatcher
* Woldwatcher
* Woldwatcher
* Woldwatcher
* Woldwatcher
* Woldwatcher
* Woldwatcher
Shifting Stones
Shifting Stones
Shifting Stones
Sentry Stone & Mannikins
Sentry Stone & Mannikins

This first game was actually 2 games in one, I was trying to test out time lapse and record it but didn't get the settings quite right so it cuts off, I'd recommend watching it in quarter speed.
You can watch it here:

@10sec Eoin explains how he can just kill me so we hide Haley again and carry on.

I manage to close it out with Harlan spiking and putting lots of damage into Brad and then finish him with a Boosted Handcannon from Jr.


The next day theres a local SR and in round one I get paired up against Eoin again.

Game 58/100
Haley2 Vs Bradigus
Opponent: Eoin Brennan
Scenario: Destruction
List as above.

I try and flank the lances but chose the wrong flank and get slowed down too much by the forest.

Eoin grinds me down and I eventually clock myself, I do dice out an assassination but fall short anyway.


The next game is against my most frequent opponent and brother Mike.

Game 59/100
Haley2 Vs Vayl2
Opponent: Mike Porter
Scenario: Recon
Mike's List:
Vayl, Consul of Everblight
* Angelius
* Angelius
* Angelius
* Shredder
* Ravagore
* Ravagore
Blighted Nyss Hex Hunters
Spawning Vessel
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Blighted Nyss Shepherd


I deploy poorly, and Mike makes some excellent plays to capitalise on that, Icy Gripping the stormblades to lock them down for a turn and then getting a lovely scather onto them.
I start to lose on Scenario and attrition and eventually get killed.


My final game of the day is legion again and Lylyth2, I figure Haley is really going to  struggle so I chance my arm with Caine.

Game 60/100
Caine2 Vs Lylyth2
Opponent: Paul Boyling
Scenario: Fire Support
Paul's List:
Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight
* Ravagore
* Ravagore
* Ravagore
* Naga Nightlurker
Strider Rangers
* Strider Rangers Officer & Musician
Strider Rangers
Strider Deathstalker
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Blighted Nyss Shepherd

  I move up out of feat range on turn one. Paul advances.

I then run and hide Caine in a trench and push everything else forward, Paul feats and clears a lot of models and sets Caine on fire but no blast damage or direct hits.


1 ranger left alive moves up to mark and then the 2 living gun Mages get shots into Lylyth doing about 6 damage  and a True Shot and reloaded Caine is able to feat and finish her off through 3 transfers.


Thursday, 3 September 2015

2 Weeks till the WTC!

Its been a while since I updated, I've been a busy person and feel I should get this one in before the few more games I'm likely to get in next weekend and then I reckon it'll be a WTC Wrap up after that.

I also have a GoPro Camera on the way which I can hopefully use to record some games and upload them, might also do a vlog for the WTC, will see,

I played in a Local SR two weekends ago and managed to get in 3 games, only 1 with Haley2 post nerf.
Game 52/100
Caine2 Vs Borka1
Opponent: Dave Burlison
Scenario: Two Fronts
Dave's List:
THEME: Family Reunion - Tier 4
Borka Kegslayer 
* Pyg Keg Carrier
* Pyre Troll
* Swamp Troll
Trollkin Champion Hero
Trollkin Champion Hero
Trollkin Champion Hero
Stone Scribe Chronicler
Greygore Boomhowler & Co. Max
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes
Trollkin Champions Min
Trollkin Champions Min
Trollkin Champions Max
* Skaldi Bonehammer

I am able to jam zombies and Boomhowlers into zones and into his models whilst he makes attacks to try and kill them all. It takes too long before he can kill them all and I win on clock, turns out DEF16 Gun Mages are hard to hit.


Game 53/100
Haley2 Vs Haley2
Opponent: Dave Chambers
Scenario: Outflank
Dave's List:
Major Victoria Haley
* Squire
* Stormclad (Bonded) 
* Thorn
Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Pistoleers
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
Stormblade Infantry(
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
Tempest Blazers
Stormblade Captain
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist

Dave unfortunately is pretty inexperienced with Haley2 and gives me Thorn for free on my turn 2. I feat first but with Thorn dead and decel protecting the Nyss sufficiently I am able to get up on scenario and attrition, he goes for a long shot assassination and fails and then the Stormclad bops Haley.


Game 54/100
Caine2 Vs Morvahna2
Opponent: Phil Doogan
Scenario: Close Quarters
Phil's List:
Seasons of Fate - Tier 4
Morvahna the Dawnshadow
* Warpwolf Stalker
* Warpwolf Stalker
* Gorax
* Druid Wilder
Tharn Bloodtrackers
* Nuala the Huntress
Tharn Wolf Riders
Tharn Ravagers - Min
* Tharn Ravager Chieftain
* 1 Tharn Ravager Shaman
Gallows Grove
Gallows Grove

I get all but 2 of the Bloodtr(ack)(ous)ers on my turn 1 and two wolf girls. Phil hits me back hard and kills some things but I clear a line to Morv, on 6 transfers, and plop a Ranger near her then Caine guns her down.


This marks the end of tournament due to time/tiredness etc so we go to the scores and I come up on top due to SoS.

I got in two other games, one against the expected victor of the WTC Solo Masters and Team Ceol alternate.

The man, the myth and the absolute ledge, Rob Read.

Game 55/100
Haley2 Vs Kreoss1
Scenario: Fire Support
High Exemplar Kreoss
* Reckoner
* Reckoner
Initiate Tristan Durant
* Redeemer
Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honor Guard
Holy Zealots
* Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer
Exemplar Errants
* Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard Bearer
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt
Choir of Menoth - Min
Vassal Mechanik
Vassal Mechanik

I throw my pieces forward and do my best to sorta jam up and feat on Rob, he counterfeats and all his things are now unengaged and can put some hurt on me.
I am able to weather the storm and it turns into a long slow grind. I am able to get Eyriss onto Kreoss and Haley finishes him off with Arcane Bolts to the face.


This matchup has really changed after the Haley feat nerf and is a lot harder to play now.

I decide to punish myself into Lylyth2 against Mike, to see how bad it is. Spoilers: it's pretty bad.

Game 56/100
Haley2 Vs Lylyth2
Opponent: Mike Porter
Scenario: Outflank
Mike's List:
Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight
* Ravagore
* Zuriel
* Naga Nightlurker
* Shredder
* Nephilim Bolt Thrower
* Teraph
* Succubus
Spawning Vessel
Annyssa Ryvaal, Talon of Everblight
The Forsaken
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Blighted Nyss Shepherd
Strider Deathstalker
Strider Deathstalker
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

I push up and feat, due to positioning the Ravagore can't benefit from Lylyths feat as he's blocking LoS to Lances and I weather the storm okay. I manage to get up on Scenario to go to 3-0 but Mike throws loads into the zone and with Stealth affecting his beasts I can't TK everything out and Haley dies for her trouble.


This could have been way worse if there were more Ravagores in the list and Mikes placement was fractionally different, and I think Lylyth2 will be one to avoid for now.

I also got some more painting done, of Legion toys.