Friday, 15 May 2015

Game 22, Lylyth3

My next game is against the actual real deal, the salty sea dog, riding the waves on the R.R.S Dumbledore, Pete Croft.
He's playing Lylth3, it's my first time.

He does have a blog I promise, when he'll update I don't know.

Game 22/100
Haley2 Vs Lyltyh3
Opponent: Pete Croft
Scenario: Incoming
Major Victoria Haley
* Squire
* Stormclad
Storm Lances
Stormblade Infantry
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One
Journeyman Warcaster
Stormblade Captain
Anastasia di Bray
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Objective: Effigy of Valor

Petes List:
Lylyth, Reckoning of Everblight
* Angelius
* Naga Nightlurker
* Scythean
* Shredder
* Zuriel
* Succubus
Strider Rangers
* Strider Rangers Officer & Musician
Strider Deathstalker
Strider Deathstalker
Spell Martyr
The Forsaken
The Forsaken

I win the roll and opt to go second for some potential early scoring.

Pete runs everything up and gets ready for feat.

I run/charge up with everything, I have to change the Stormclad to get Haley into a good position and end up doing 6 points to it.... Arcane Shield goes on the Lances I also feat and pop deceleration, I catch everything aside from the 2 Deathstalkers.
I use a rock to block LoS from Lylyth to the Stormclad and Gorman.

I thought I'd moved the Storm Lances up just shy of Lylyths 12" range but I was wrong.

Under Haleys feat nothing really happens, the Striders Jam the Nyss, The Angel and Scythean retreat. Lyltyh feats and chills 3 Stormlances with the help from the two Deathstalkers.

It's a good rock

I then Advance and Harlan takes some Purgation shots at Lylyth. I use the two unchilled Lances to try and take out the two Deathstalkers, they almost do it but one is left on 1 HP.
the Nyss, Jr and Stormclad try to clear the Striders, leaving a few alive.

Trying hard to clear the zone
Pete retaliates using Lylyth, Zuriel and the Angel to clear out a number of Stormchaps Harlan and Eyriss. They Nyss slapfest continues over in the other zone.

I try to get Gorman onto the Angel but fail, even then the Stormblades are able to kill it and the Lances go into Zuriel putting damage into him. The slap fight continues, the Stormclad walks away from a Strider Ranger, to get out of Scythean threat, and takes a huge free strike.

About to go for the Angel
Zuriel and Lylyth kill Gorman and more dudes in the zone and the Naga tries to help.

I TK and then Deadeye the Stormblade flag (formation issues) The blades go into Zuriel as does the remaining Lance, managing to remove him. The Nyss finally emerge victorious from the high DEF low MAT battle and I am able to score a point.

Top Camerawork!
Lylyth a Shredder and the Naga work on clearing the zone but two Stormblades are left, the Sycthean charges the Nyss but only kills one.

The Stormblade Captain Charges in an kills the Shredder then Quick Works down the Naga. The Stormclad advances towards to zone.

Lylyth removes the Stormclad and I am basically out of time.

We play on and see could I kill the Scythean but it doesn't happen and we call it, Pete wins on Clock/Scenario.


We realised about Turn 3 that Anastasia wasn't on the board so she sat this one out, I doubt she would have made much difference.

I think had I positioned the Lances better on my feat turn I would have forced Pete to feat on just the Striders and had a devastating Alpha into Lylyth herself but she would have been camping a few, who knows.

I also got tunnel vision when attempting to score on my turn two in my zone, thinking I'd get points for controlling but I needed to dominate, which I wasn't going to do.

This weekend I'm hoping to get three maybe more games in, reports for them will be up soon enough.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Game 21, Haley-nado

Another week and I've managed to get in a couple more games and here is one of them!

Once again its a faction mirror against Cygnar and I'm playing the one true lord and prophet Mr Dunford.
We have a chat and Pat wants to play Haley2 into the Haley1 double colossal build so off we go!

Game 21/100
Haley1 Vs Haley2
Opponent: Pat Dunford
Scenario: Destruction
Captain Victoria Haley
* Squire
* Stormwall & Lightning Pod
* Sentinel
Journeyman Warcaster
Gastone Crosse
* Galleon
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team
Objective: Fuel Cache

Pats List:
Major Victoria Haley
* Squire
* Stormclad
Storm Lances
Stormblade Infantry
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
* 3 Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner
Journeyman Warcaster
Stormblade Captain
Anastasia di Bray
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist

I win the roll and chose to go first as I need to make sure I'm not going to straight lose on scenario.

There is a big forest just outside my deployment zone so I run up and get things far enough forward, Arcane Shield goes out on both colossals.

Turn 1, Run
Pat runs/charges his stuff up, spreads and feats on me, catching the 3 Warjacks

I am able to get stuck behind my Jacks as I need to use the Galleon to try and shoot at Gorman but I deviate away from him, the Stormwall goes and contests the zone. I am killboxed and give away 2 points.
Score 0-2

Stuck in the Killbox
Pat puts everything into the Killing the Stormwall and with Rust and Death field he is able to remove it and the objective, he jams the Galleon with the Lances, Haley2 retreats and killboxes herself but she wants to stay safe.
Score 2-4

Rusted Stormwall dies
I am able to now feat and remove the Stormlances along with a bunch of other models, the Galleon goes into contest and kills Gorman.

I feat and contest

Pat retaliates and puts damage into the Galleon but with Arcane Shield its tough to shift with no charges.

I am able to use the B13th to remove some Nyss and Cylena and more Blades, whilst moving Gastonne away from the Nyss.

Attrition continues
All Pat has to do is remove the Galleon from the Zone to win and he chips it down with the Stormclad and scores his final point to win.
Score 2-5
Galleon goes down

I feel I could have deployed better and perhaps setup some better plays, letting Pat get 2 points off me early on from the Killbox meant I had to throw the Stormwall into contest and he was removed easily enough.

A bit more time with this list would probably make it a more even matchup.

I have also been getting the Skorne all in one box going, I've now cleaned up all the models and they have been undercoated.

Skorne cleaning in progress

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Two more games , 20% of the way there.

Using my nifty timer widget I can see that it is that many days until the WTC and I already have 20 out of my 100 games down, well that's what I'm aiming for as a minimum.

My kid Bro and team mate is at 30, so yeah.

Games 19 and 20 have been played, Game 1 is against Pete, you will probably be able to read his perspective over on his fancy blog HERE (if he ever puts it up!).

This is the first trip of the Nyss hunters in my Haley2 list, Harlan Versh is there should I have to deal with any incorporeal things.

Game 19/100
Haley2 Vs eThagrosh
Opponent: Pete Croft
Scenario: Incursion
Major Victoria Haley
* Squire
* Stormclad
Storm Lances
Stormblade Infantry
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One
Journeyman Warcaster
Stormblade Captain
Anastasia di Bray
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Objective: Effigy of Valor

Pete is playing eThagrosh with some beasties:
Thagrosh, the Messiah
* Scythean
* Scythean
* Seraph
* Raek
* Raek
* Shredder
Spawning Vessel
Blighted Nyss Legionnaires
* Captain Farilor & Standard
Spell Martyr
The Forsaken

The Forsaken

I win the roll and chose to go first, it is Incursion after all.

I put the Nyss behind the forest for pathfinder and potential scoring, the heavy lifters sit in the centre.

Turn 1 I run up aggressively, switching the Stormclad over to be more central and opposite the beasts. AS on the Stormclad and a bit of running.

Turn 1 unpacking complete

 Pete starts off by putting Tenacity the two Scytheans and a Raek then becomes Dr. Thagrosh (Manifest Desitiny - Thagrosh M.D) then feats and charges up. The Reaks and Scytheans Run up one of them having been slipstreamed. The Legionnaires move up and mini feat.

Feat triggers and the Scytheans are able to remove a Lane each, a Raek gets Gorman and the other one gets a Stormblade.
2 Ponies and Gorman gone!
I now have 2 tenacious Scytheans and 2 Raeks to deal with. Haley Allocates 3 to the Stormclad. She then feats, shuffles forwards, Timebombs the Scythean on my right to catch a Raek as well and then Deadeyes the Stormblades.
Harlan tries to do some work aiming and does a few points to the right hand Scythean.
The Nyss advance and all get within four inches of the flag to set up some early points, they then do a smallish CRA into the Seraph and manage to cripple its spirit.

The combined storm forces manage to kill the Time Bombed Raek, the lefthand Scythean, leave the right hand one on 2 boxes and the other Raek has taken some damage.

The smoke clears
Under feat I am looking to score a point with the Nyss until Pete points out I've not actually put one of them B2B with the flag....

His turn is ineffectual as he's not able to hit with a crippled Scythean and order of activation means he can't heal them, although I mess up and do allow him to slipstream Thags out of the feat but hes's threaten by Anastasia and can't really come forward. He is able to score a point by putting the Spell Martyr on the right-hand flag.
Score 0-1

In my turn, I allocate 2 to the Stormclad, hoping to have him walk over and finish the Raek. Jr kills the Spell Martyr. Stormblade Captain finishes off the 2 HP Scythean with ease. I TK the Raek around and try and get the Stormclad in by walking over but I'm just short so I shoot at it with the robot instead, I miss. Harlan now has a target worth shooting as the Legionaires have Dragons  Blood on them so he gets to work removing Farilor and 2 more Legionnaires. The Stormblades kill off the Raek. The Lances go into the Legionnaires and onto the central flag, setting up to score. I move the Nyss into B2B this time and shoot another CRA into the Seraph.
Score 2-1
Mop up begins.

Vengeance triggers and between that and the units activation I lose almost all my Stormblades and 2 more Lances. A Forsaken runs onto the right-hand flag to score again and the Seraph charges into the Nyss and fails to kill any.
Score 2-2

The Nyss move to get unegaged and one dies to a free Strike, they CRA and leave the Seraph low but not dead. Haley has to step up and a boosted Handcannon then Aracne Bolt into it finishes it off.

The remaining Lance, Stormblades and Stormclad are able to clear the central flag, Jr removes the Forsaken on the right-hand flag.
Score 4-2

Pete moves up the pot to control the right hand flag and then shoots out an Animused Harier to remove Jr. A forsaken runs up to the Nyss and makes them flee due to s spooky check. Thagrosh then charges the Stormclad in the centre and removes it. But because he doesn't have enough fury to remove everything the Stormblade Captain remains standing and I score again.
Score 5-3 
Thagrosh gets into the mix


Game 20/100
Haley2 Vs Mortenebra
Opponent: Merlin Goss
ScenarioScenario: Close Quarters
Major Victoria Haley
* Squire
* Stormclad
Storm Lances
Stormblade Infantry
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
Harlan Versh, Illuminated One
Journeyman Warcaster
Stormblade Captain
Anastasia di Bray
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution

Objective: Effigy of Valor

Game 20 is against Mortenebra and a new experience for me.

After reading her cards I have a rough idea of whats shes going to do.
I advance conservatively and make sure I've plenty of models between his things and Haley.

I advance slowly
 The Cryx run up and get into my face, I am able to charge Death Jack and remove him, kill a Stalker and get a couple of them Blind thanks to Gorman. and I feat.

Feat turn.
With nothing much happening due to my feat turn and black oil a turn doesn't really happen.

The next turn I am able to hit Mortenebra with a black oil due to the Jacks in B2B with her and then Eyriss followed by a CRA from the Nyss and the AoEs from a Stormblade putting her very low and removing the Jack, I am then able to Espionage with Anastasia and one Nyss hunter finishes it.


Mortenebra dies.
So that's 20% of the games down prior to the WTC, time to push on with more in the future.

Also there was some Haley3 Spoilers but I'm sure you are already aware of them and she looks like she will be fun. Will she make the WTC cut? Who knows.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Game 18 The Haley-ing

I put in a timer for the WTC It should be about HERE ============================>

Time for game No.18 against the mightiest Cygnar Shark in all the waters!

Game 18/100
Haley2 Vs Haley1
Opponent: Pat Dunford
Scenario: Outflank
Major Victoria Haley
* Squire
* Stormclad
Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Pistoleers
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
Storm Lances
Stormblade Infantry
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
* 2 Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner
Journeyman Warcaster
Stormblade Captain
Anastasia di Bray
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Objective: Effigy of Valor

Pat's List:
Captain Victoria Haley
* Squire
* Stormwall & Lightning Pod
Captain Arlan Strangewayes
Journeyman Warcaster
Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Pistoleers
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
* Hunter
* Sentinel
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution

I win the Roll and opt to go first. Pat has to pre deploy the Stormwall so I setup with the Stormclad across from it. Everything else fairly central.
Eyriss gets AD'd behind a Rock and Anastasia prepares to AMBUSH!

Turn 1 I run everything, Dirge and Shield the Lances and Decel. I swap the Clad over to the other zone hoping to simply ignore the Stormwall as I'm really going to struggle to kill it as its immune to electricity, stupid Cygnar being the best faction!

My turn 1
Pat runs up and positions.

I am able to feat and get the left zone cleared. I try to get Eyriss with shots from the Lances but her high defense and Stealth put an end to that.
Anastasia is able to Ambush on and appears behind the Black 13th, she Charges Ryan and puts her in the dirt!

Pat puts Arlan in the Zone to stop me scoring and is able to Pod Gorman and Kill Anastasia with the Black 13th. The Stormclad gets disrupted and knocked down.

I am then able to clear the Zone and score 2 whilst Eyriss and a Gun Mage manages to take out the Black 13th. I get a couple of his Gun Mages and try for Eyriss again but it doesn't happen.

I score my first 2 points
Pat feats and puts a number of shots into my things, clearing the kissed Storm Lances and knocking down the Stormclad and disrupting him again.

I am able to clear the zone again and score 2 more but I am running out of models. I try and fail to kill Eyriss again.

I score up to 4

Still can't kill Eyriss!
Pat put both his lights in the Zone and couple of Gun Mages after taking out the Stormclad through combined arms and Kiss.

Haley has some work to do, she stabs 2 Gun Mages down and starts working on the Hunter but ultimately doesn't have enough focus.

Haley can't kill 2 Lights!

Pat then starts scoring in the other zone and I've already clocked by this point so we call it.


I've also been doing a bit of painting recently, I managed to get my Nyss Hunters complete, after having them for god knows how long, they were my first ever Warmachine prize from my first 50pt tournament.

Look at their stupid ugly heads
They are horrible models to assemble and weren't great fun to paint but I'll be playing with them in my Haley2 list for the next few games as a Bradigus option.

I was also able to finish Xerxis, my first Skorne model.

Something something, fist.
I've made a pact to myself to not buy any more Skorne until the ones I have are fully painted and based so I have the all in one box to get done, so far I haven't even started.

I'm also helping out with the WTC terrain and I build and painted up 20 walls.

Walls and a Stormwall.

Join me next time for Haley2 vs eThagrosh and Mortenebra.