Saturday, 21 April 2012

Just some Pictures of the Battlewagon and an Ork

Heres some pictures of the Battlewagon and an Ork thats not quite done, they look better in reality but I'm happy enough anyway.

Theres a 1000pt Highlander Tourney on the 2nd of June which the Ork will be going to, this Friday I'm off to Belgium to pick up a buch of my 40k kit which should give me loads more options.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

MooFool Game 3 – Space Wolves

After a crushing defeat in game two by the Sisters of Battle I went into a game against Space Wolves slightly apprehensive.

Game Details:
Spearhead deployment: place a marker in the centre of the board for the duration of the game
Primary Objective: CLEANSE: - capture the most quarters.
--- To capture a quarter a scoring unit (p90) is worth 2 Control Points, a non-scoring unit is worth 1 CP ,and dedicated transports 0.The player that has most control points in a quarter at the end of the game controls that quarter.
--- A unit must be entirely within a quarter to capture it.
Secondary Objective: Annihilation: For this mission both players starts with 3 Battle points each. For every killpoint more than his opponent a player has at the end of the game, the player adds one BP, and his opponent subtracts one BP, up to a maximum of +3 / -3 BPs.

Unfortunately this being game 3 of day one I was pretty tired and mainly thinking about not getting smashed senseless so the photos are really lacking, this also means that what happened each turn might not be precise.

The game was against Luke who was most charming. His list on the Other hand wasn’t, it contained (something like):
Logan Grimnar
Rune Priest
Lone wolf with Terminator Armor
Lone wolf with Terminator Armor
Wolf Scouts with Melta
Long Fangs with 5 Missile Launchers
Long Fangs with 5 Missile Launchers
Long Fangs with 3 Missile Launchers, 2 Lascannons
Some Wolf Guard with a mix of Bits, including 4 Terminators with Cyclone launchers.
3 Packs of Grey Hunters, could have been four.

We rolled for first turn, I won the roll and opted to deploy first.

Due to the nature of the mission, holding the centre would mean the ability to nip into any quarter towards the end to claim it for my own.


I opted to use the central hill to anchor my attack and provide cover for my Troop laden chimeras. I lined my Artillery up on the Right flank to block any Wolfy Scouty nonsense and used the infantry Squad to hold the back line from outflankers. The Heavy Weapons teams deployed in cover up high to have good line of sight, the Vendettas sat out in the open ready to open fire. Marbo and the Banewolf were in reserve.

Holding the table edge

Luke deployed with a big pile of Long Fangs in cover as well as some of the Wolf Guard. The cyclone Terminators were scattered amongst the squads. A Big Scary squad of Terminators and Logan was deployed near the centre in cover. The two Lone Wolves were on his furthest short flank.

So many Missiles!

In almost every turn the Manticores and Hydras killed a Marine or two but I can’t remember very well and I wasn’t taking many pictures/notes so imagine that happening too!

Turn 1 – Imperial Guard
I don’t really do anything this turn but shoot, I shoot as much as I can at what I can, trying to whittle down some Long Fangs, I manage to bag a few but nothing amazing.

Turn 1 – Space Wolves
The Big Squad of mean terminators and stuff meanders through the central ruins to my quarter. The two lone wolves advance to the centre as well. Shooting results in a Barrage of missiles coming my way, 1 Vendetta takes some punishment but manages to survive, stunned and weapon destroyed... One of the Chimeras also takes a bit of damage and explodes disgorging the troops inside.

Turn 2 – Imperial Guard
I remain fairly static and continue to shoot, taking out a few more Long Fangs and a space wolf here and there, nothing really monumental.

Turn 2 – Space Wolves
The Lone Wolves and Big mean Death squad move further towards me, albeit through cover and not at the fastest pace, Logan joins them. Shooting sees a Vendetta go to pieces and the PCS Chimera get popped, the Chaps disembark behind the hull.

Turn 3 – Imperial Guard
Marbo arrives near the death star and prepares to do death! The Banewolf also arrives and I roll it straight towards the wolves centrally. The PCS run towards my long table edge trying to get behind the downed Vendetta and secure my rear line from Wolf scouts and maybe get into another quarter. Marbo throws his demo charge and manages to pick off a couple of wolves, the rest of my shooting sees me whittle away more wolves but with all the leadership etc I’m unable to make them break.

Turn 3 – Space Wolves
The Lone wolves are almost upon me but not quite close enough, The big pack is still moving through the middle towards me. Shooting sees more impacts on some vehicles and heavy Weapons teams, the PCS Chimera gets popped and the chaps hop out. The Banewolf meets a sticky end not getting very far.

Turn 4 – Imperial Guard
The PCS move a bit further down the long table edge behind some cover. The Infantry squad try and retreat away from the Lone Wolves. Marbo opens up with his Pistol then charges on into the Death squad with Logan, in the ensuing combat both of them lay into each other resulting in a death for each of them, Marbo did good!

Turn 4 – Space Wolves
The Wolf scouts arrive and come on my long table edge, facing off against the PCS. The Lone Wolves get within assault Range of the closest infantry. The shooting sees another Vendetta go down and the Scouts kills a couple of the PCS before charging in, the PCS gets wiped out and the scouts consolidate into my terrain. The Lone wolves kill the guardsmen and continue to stomp into my quarter.

Scouts scooting on

Turn 5 – Imperial Guard
I position the Chimeras to claim the Top right hand corner and use their Meltas etc to take care of the Lone Wolves. Everything else takes care of the scouts who refused to die after taking a stupid amount of shots, including Manticore heavy bolters, but eventually they go down.

Not all that much left.

Turn 5 – Space Wolves
Theres a bit more shooting and posturing but nothing much happens apart from the death of the CCS.

We roll for another turn and the game ends.

Game was a Draw on the Primary but I lost the Secondary, Damm Killpoints, bane of my life, especially against small Unit Marine Armies

Final Turn

Overall I was happy with my shooting and how much stuff I actually managed to take out, I really should have played had for the objectives and opted for Reserve + Deep striking/Outflanking to try and win the primary with sheer weight of Numbers, a Troops choice was +2 other units were +1, which was greatly in my favour with my list.
I do think I really should thank Luke for the game, he was a real gentleman and a pleasure to play against.

Sorry for the poor report and lack of detail, but by game 3 on day 1 you are usually dying as it is, never mind having a few hours sleep and being hungry.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Small Ork Update.

The last three games are currently on hold, I'm trying to write them up but it does take some time.

I went out the local Game Store this weekend to have a quick glance at the new paint range, and pick up some Ork coloured paints.

I saw that they had a few of the Troop n Transport bundles that were limited edition as far as I know, a whole €10 saving on the Boyz boxes and the Trukk, they both give some much needed bitz for converting and another 11 Ork bodies.

Boyz n Trukk
Using the Loota and Burna box you can make 4 Lootas or 4 Burnas, providing you can get four more bodies you can make both, so I picked up a box of them too.


I assembled 1 Deffkopta as well as the Lifta Droppa for the Battlewagon and a Power Klaw nob for the Pirate Boyz.

I'm going to have 1 squad of Pirates and 1 of Sombrero Boyz to start with.

PK Pirate Nob

Lifta Droppa

Lifta Droppa

Lifta Droppa

Lifta Droppa

The overall work area is now fully Orky and things are in full swing:

The Workstation

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

MooFool Game 2 – Sisters of Battle

After my most excellent 20-0 in the first game I knew that whoever I was up against was going to be a challenge, I was surprised to be facing Sisters of Battle, an army without an actual full codex, just a bunch of WD articles and the most broken character in the entire game, apparently…

Game Details
Dawn of War deployment
Primary Objective: Capture and Control
Secondary Objective: Seize Ground: (4 Counters)
Each player will place 2 counters, one for Seize Ground and a second for Capture and Control which will also count towards the Seize Ground objectives
First, dice-off to place a single counter each that will count for 'Seize Ground'. Second, proceed to dice-off for Deployment, then place the 'Capture & Control’ as usual but more than 12 inches from the other objectives.

The Sisters list looked like this:
Saint Celestine
Uriah Jacob
10 Sisters with Melta and Multi Melta in Rhino
10 Sisters with Melta and Multi Melta in Rhino
10 Sisters with Melta and Multi Melta in Rhino
10 Sisters with Melta and Multi Melta in Rhino
1 Squad of Henchmen/Minions with some Assassins and other bits and pieces.
2 Exorcists
5 Devastators with 4 Heavy Bolters
5 Fast Attack Sisters with 4 Meltas in Rhino
5 Fast Attack Sisters with 4 Meltas in Rhino
5 Fast Attack Sisters with 4 Meltas in Rhino

Objectives were placed for each of us, I opted to have mine in the Bottom Left corner, within 12” of each other.

The Sisters objectives were placed in the Centre (Secondary ) and in the top right (primary). The mission was an odd one with the Primary being the two but the secondary being a total of four objectives.

We rolled for first turn/deployment, I was forced to go 2nd. With it being dawn of war the Sisters deployed Celestine in the central Building with two Rhinos full of sisters hidden behind this building, holding the one objective. The 3 Fast Attacks, Henchmen (with Jacob) , Exorcists and 1 squad of troops in a Rhino was in reserve.

I deployed with my full Infantry Platoon, including the HWTs on the Objective, flanked by the CCS on the left and the PCS on the right in Chimeras, along with the mechanized squad. A squad of Vets deploy behind a hill on the right, almost in sight of the sisters rear objective. Marbo and the Banewolf stayed in reserve.

Deployment with objectives.
Turn 1 – Sisters of Battle
Celestine flies the full distance forward, towards my objective holders. A rhino moves out from the centre towards the troops as well. The Devastators come on at the back as well as another Rhino full of troops. Celestine pulls out the heavy flamer and takes out some of the Lascannons, they decide to flee backwards.

The Bitch!

Turn 1 – Imperial Guard
The rest of the Force rolls on. The Manticores, Hydras and Vendettas move on the right flank. The Veterans come on the left to bolster the objective holders. With Night Fighting in full effect I attempt to take some shots but fail to illuminate anything aside from Celestine, she gets nailed and dies.

Right Flank

Turn 2 – Sisters of Battle
Celestine decides to just get back up. An Exorcist rolls on at the rear near the Devastators as does a Rhino of troops which appears near the Sisters rear objective. The Rhino from the Centre rolls forwards and disgorges some troops behind it, popping smoke. The rear line of the Sisters shoot and manage to immobilize a Vendetta, they also manage to wreck a Chimera. Celestine continues her reign of Terror, killing the infantry squad with a combination of flamer and melee death.

Celestine runs rampant

The flank holds

Turn 2 – Imperial Guard
Marbo appears in the rear next to the Devastators, the Vets head towards the objective whilst the infantry platoon chimera rolls forward. Shooting sees Celestine get taken down, again, and a nice Manticore shot and other combined fire manages to take out a bunch of sisters who got out of the Central Rhino. A couple of Devastators go down to a demo charge from Marbo.

Turn 3 – Sisters of Battle
The Three Fast Attack Melta wagons roll on, outflanking, two appear next to the objective and one on the right next to my Manticores. Celestine gets up, again, and heads towards the Vets. The Henchmen arrive and drive full speed towards the centre. Shooting doesn’t go well for me, Celestine flames the Vets and subsequently finishes them off in CC. The Melta squads pop a Manticore on the right and the CCS Chimera on the left. The Devastators try in vain to take out Marbo but he survives.

Meltas arrive

On both sides

Turn 3 – Imperial Guard
The Banewolf arrives and heads towards the left, hoping to take out some of the melta troops. The PCS also moves across to do some flaming. The Vets on the left head towards the objective. I shoot into the Melta Vets on each side and manage to take them all out. Marbo shoots and breaks the Devastators who proceed to flee off the table.

Marbo doing his work
Celestine doing hers

Turn 4 – Sisters of Battle
The second Exorcist rolls on to sit behind the right hand objective. Celestine jumps towards the CCS in the Corner whilst the Henchmen move forward. The sisters on the centre objective hop out of the vehicle. The Melta squad on the right mounts up and heads towards the Vets chimera. The Vets Chimera gets popped by melta shooting and explodes, the guys hunker down in the crater of their vehicle. The Exorcist tries in vain to 
kill Marbo. Celestine flames and assaults the Autocannons, killing them all.

Turn 4 – Imperial Guard
The Melta Vets move forward to the edge of their crater and fire up the Meltas. The Banewolf heads towards the centre of the table. The Melta vets manage to Shake, Weapon Destroy and Immobilzes the Rhino but that’s it… The Banewolf flames some troops and grabs a couple of kills. The CCS tries to take out Celestine but fails. Marbo wanders towards the Exorcist, slaps on a Melta bomb which goes off, wrecking the tank.

Last ditch Banewolf rush!

Turn 5 – Sisters of Battle
Celestine moves towards the CCS. The Meltas on the right disembark and prepare to fry the Vets. The troops in the barely alive Rhino disembark and grab the objective. The Henchmen pile out into the Banewolf. The vets get melta’d to death. Celestine assaults and wipes out the CCS. The Banewolf gets immobilized and weapon destroyed on the assault.

Vets meet their end

Turn 5 – Imperial Guard
I have 1 Chimera with 5 flamer chaps in, 1 Lascannon, Marbo, 1 Manticore missile and two Hydras left, things are looking grim. I try to think of a way I can salvage anything, but unfortunately it’s all against me. I maneuver as best as I can, the Lascannon fails to make an impact, the rest of the shooting is poor and I end my turn by having killed 2 sisters.

Not a lot left :(

We roll for a 6th turn and get it.

Turn 6 – Sisters of Battle
Celestine kills the Lascannon team and a few shoots plink off the Chimera.

Turn 6 – Imperial Guard
With nothing I can do the game pretty much ends.

Things are grim.

Victory to the Sisters of Battle!

I lost the Primary and Secondary and managed to scrape two VPs for killing so much stuff. The final result was 18-2.

I think that my main problem was not knowing what the sisters could do, also my objectives were in a bad place and I should have really deployed better, not knowing what Celestine could do to me meant I was really exposed, I should have turtle up and gone for a last minute Gypsy with the Vendettas or something, hindsight is wondrous.

Playing the game again I would have done a lot different. The means that I drop down from table two to Number 5 to face off against Space Wolves.

Monday, 2 April 2012

MooFool Game 1 – Orks

The first game of the Tourney and I was ready to go, maybe a bit drunk still from the previous night, but I was certainly pretty tired but up for it!

Game Details
Pitched Battle deployment
Primary Objective: Seize Ground (5 objectives to be captured. One objective is placed in the centre of each table quarter and one in the centre of the table.)
Secondary Objective: Annihilation: For this mission both players starts with 3 Battle points each. For every killpoint more than his opponent a player has at the end of the game, the player adds one BP, and his opponent subtracts one BP, up to a maximum of +3 / -3 BPs.

The list of my erstwhile opponent ( Anthony) looked a bit like this:
Disclaimer, this might not be 100% right.

Warboss on Bike, Power Klaw

Big Mek with KFF

5 Nobz and a Painboy on Bikes, with wound shenanigan diversification including two Klaws.

18 Shoota Boyz 1w/ Big Shoota, Nob with PK and Bosspole
18 Shoota Boyz 1w/ Big Shoota, Nob with PK and Bosspole
18 Shoota Boyz 1w/ Big Shoota, Nob with PK and Bosspole

Battlewagon with Deff Rolla, 2 Big Shootas, Red Paint Job, Armor Plates, Stikkbomb Launcher and Grot Riggers
Battlewagon with Deff Rolla, 2 Big Shootas, Red Paint Job, Armor Plates, Stikkbomb Launcher and Grot Riggers
Battlewagon with Deff Rolla, 2 Big Shootas, Red Paint Job, Armor Plates, Stikkbomb Launcher and Grot Riggers

8 Lootas
8 Lootas

I won the Roll off and opted for first turn and deployment. As always Marbo and the Banewolf went into reserve. I hid the Manticores behind a Building with the Hydras and Lascannons on the Same Flank. The Melta Vets and CCS Sat in front of the Hydras, ready to move out if required but also leaving the CCS in place to issue orders to the HWTs. The Autocannon team held the centre in some cover with a good field of fire. The far right saw the Infantry squad with Autocannon forming a conga line out to the objective with the mounted squad just right of the central terrain.The two Vendettas deployed in the middle area of the table for turbo boosts and the Scout saves, should I be seized.

Right Side
Left Side
The Orks deployed opposite me, with three wagons spaced out for KFF coverage, the Lootas were in cover, and the Bikers in between two of the Wagons with the Boss behind.

Ork Deployment

Turn 1 – Imperial Guard
Scout Move: I boosted one Vendetta to the left to join the rest of my flank, the other went right to get some angles on the Battlewagon sides.

My first turn didn’t really require any repositioning and I opened up with my firepower. A few Lootas died to mixed small fire. They key firing came from the Manticores, after some lucky rolls including a Hit on the scatter and some triple cluster missiles the Bikers were looking at a quantity of wounds. With the weapon being Strength 10, any failed saves were death for the bikers. They had just the 4+ save from the passive smoke cloud, I had managed to inflict at least two wounds on each member of the squad and Warboss. The end result was excellent, with only 3 of the bikers remaining on the field.

The resulting Leadership test, even with a Bosspole Reroll wasn’t sufficient and the bikes promptly fled off the board.

Turn 1 – Orks
All three of the Battlewagons rolled forward. The Lootas opened up and managed to immobilize my Right Vendetta. They other squad fired off some shots but failed to make any real impact.

Turn 2 – Imperial Guard
Once again I was static and decided that I would continue to shoot, I managed to immobilize two of the Battlewagons and shake another. I killed 6 of the Lootas on the left, the Lootas on the right survived unscathed.

Turn 2 – Orks
The battlewagons, immobile, attempted repairs, the Shaken Wagon rolled forward. The Lootas continued to shoot, managing to Wreck the Chimera of a squad of Vets and take out the Lascannon team.

Turn 3 – Imperial Guard
Marbo and the Banewolf show up. Marbo pops up in cover just next to the KFF Wagon. The Banewolf Rolls on heading directly towards the Wagons. The Vets disembark from the ruined Chimera and head into cover. Shooting results in one Battlewagon exploding, causing a few casualties. Marbo takes this opportunity to chuck a demo charge into the recently disembarked Orks which whiffs badly, but the Manticore manages to pick up a chunk of the boyz and other shooting sees the mob whittled down to 6. The Lootas on the right take some Damage, enough to make them break, they go a huge distance and end up very close to the table edge.

Dice show a BW Crater

Turn 3 – Orks
The Broken Lootas decide that they want to live to fight another day and flee. The Big Mek scarpers into the nearby wagon which unleashes a volley of shootas (big and small) into the Vets, they survive the firestorm. The six Orks head towards the Bane Wolf, ready to cause some pain. The immobilized wagon at the back has the riggers come through for it and starts working again, but can’t move that turn. The mob of 6 Orks charge into the Banewolf, they manage to immobilize and shake it.

Turn 4 – Imperial Guard
Marbo heads towards the Orks next to the Bane wolf, the troops squad in the Chimera head for the central objective to claim it. The Vets hit the Battlewagon with full Melta power, making it explode, the Boyz inside take a few casualties from this, the Manticores then have a go, wiping out the squad. The Wagon to the rear gets wrecked by the Lascannons on the Vendetta and the boyz pile out, the second Manticore makes short work of most of them. Marbo charges into the Nob who is engaged with the Banewolf and puts him down.

Just before Marbo goes in!

Turn 4 – Orks
The big Mek waddles towards the Vendetta whilst the last squad of boyz attempt to get away from the stricken wagon. In combat the Mek fails to hurt the Vendetta.

Turn 5 – Imperial Guard
The Big Mek takes a few Meltas to the Face and the Hydras/Multi Lasers and Vendettas finish off the remaining boyz.

Turn 5 – Orks
With no greenskins on the board the game ends.

Objective held all game.

Victory to the Imperial guard!

Having no opposition I win the primary, I also killed all his army and took few casualties so I win the secondary, my Battle points also give me a full tabling resulting in a 20-0.
Overall the game was won for me with my Alpha strike, the death and fleeing of the bikes put me in such a strong position early on, especially with no Warboss and pesky Klaws. The immobilize results on the battlewagons were great too, I didn’t end up feeling the pointy end of any Deff Rollas.

The only problem being with a full tabling and a 20-0 in the first round, I end up on table 2 for the next game, meaning I’ll be meeting someone who also went 20-0. That someone happened to be Merv with his “Tranny Marines” Sisters of Battle, more on that in a day or two.

Sunday, 1 April 2012


So I've just finished a weekend of Wargaming, the blog has been silent for sometime as I was made to clear away my dedicated workspace, apparently people sometimes want to eat of the kitchen table...

I was attending an 1850pts tournament, right here on my doorstep in Cork City. It was great, five games over two days. Being the prepared and incredibly lazy person that I am, I opted to bring along my tried and tested (and still in the same case) Guard from Warpcon, this list can be found here.

Overall I finished in 9th place of about 24 or so.

Table 1 in the final round, as you can tell, I wasn't playing there.

Heres a quick breakdown of the games:

Game 1 - Orks
Pitched Battle deployment

Primary Objective: Seize Ground (5 objectives to be captured. One objective is placed in the centre of each table quarter and one in the centre of the table.)

Secondary Objective: Annihilation: For this mission both players starts with 3 Battle points each. For every killpoint more than his opponent a player has at the end of the game, the player adds one BP, and his opponent subtracts one BP, up to a maximum of +3 / -3 BPs.

Result - Primary: Victory  Secondary: Victory

Game 2 - Sisters of Battle
Dawn of War deployment

Primary Objective:: Capture and Control

Secondary Objective: Seize Ground: (4 Counters)
Each player will place 2 counters, one for Seize Ground and a second for Capture and Control which will also count towards the Seize Ground objectives

Result -  Primary:  Loss Secondary: Loss

Game 3 - Space Wolves
Spearhead deployment: place a marker in the centre of the board for the duration of the game

Primary Objective: CLEANSE: - capture the most quarters.

Secondary Objective: Annihilation: For this mission both players starts with 3 Battle points each. For every killpoint more than his opponent a player has at the end of the game, the player adds one BP, and his opponent subtracts one BP, up to a maximum of +3 / -3 BPs.

Result - Primary: Draw    Secondary: Loss

Game 4 - Space Wolves

Pitched battle deployment

Primary Objective: Annihilation: For this mission both players starts with 4 Battle points each.
For every killpoint more than his opponent a player has at the end of the game, the player adds one BP, and his opponent subtracts one BP, up to a maximum of +4 / -4 BPs

Secondary Objective: Seize Ground: (3 counters)
One Counter is in the centre of the table. The other 2 Counters are 24" from player's table edge and 6" from the short table edges.

Result - Primary: Victory  Secondary: Victory 

Game 5 - Grey Knights
Spearhead deployment

Primary Objective: Seize Ground: (3 fixed counters)
To be placed as follows after deployment zones have been chosen but before Capture and control counters have been placed: one objective is in the centre of the table. The other 2 objectives are in the centre of each unoccupied table quarters

Secondary Objective: Capture and Control.

Result - Primary: Victory  Secondary: Victory 

Sorry about that guy, right there,
Overall I had a cracking weekend and some great games, I'll be writing each one up as I get round to it and looking at each of them, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

I'll be trying to update as often as possible with the games, and include the lists, if I can get them off people. 

I also intend on kick starting the Orks to get them in some sort of state of readiness, I just have to decide on the direction I want to take them, and to get more kit from Belgium.

I did manage to get a bunch of stuff when my folks came over, you can see it here!

After all this hard gaming I decided that Burgers were required, so feast upon the deliciousness!

Important sustenance